
Sacred Feminine

Created and Developed by Nancy Cooper


Take a peek inside:

  • 7 Modules, in total, to be done at your own pace

  • Practices and proprietary methodologies designed for a deep healing of your most suppressed wounding

  • Learn your Witch’s Wound® Archetype and experience a customized plan for healing it

  • Customized subliminal sleep recording to help you heal your unique Witch’s Wound® Archetype on a deep, unconscious level

  • Gain insight into the inherited wounding, or generational curse you have been carrying and clear steps for how to be the cycle breaker

  • Discover who your Dark Feminine goddess guide is and how to work with them for massive spiritual transformation

  • Learn what your ruling chakra, element, and divine ability is and how to tap into these energies for healing and expansion

  • Customized assignments and sacred practices to help you step into your highest self and Divine Feminine energy

  • A divine sisterhood of women who have also answered the call with angelic legions of support

  • Access to 8 1:1 coaching calls so I can provide custom, channeled support for you through each module (optional)


  • Learn how to identify your partner’s Warrior’s Wound Archetype and how you can better support him healing with your feminine nourishment

By taking this journey of self-discovery, you will begin to step into your divine femininity and release the old energy that was blocking you from reclaiming your power and becoming the creator you always knew you were meant to be.

Reclaiming the Goddess Within and Embracing our Divine Power

It is time for us, as women, to embark on a profound journey of reawakening. We must delve deep within ourselves to uncover the goddess that lies dormant within every one of us – the source of infinite knowledge, wisdom, and power. For far too long, we have endured oppression and suppression, which has hindered our ability to reclaim our rightful place in society and caused us to be slaves to our deepest inherited wound known as the Witch’s Wound®.

Because of this, we find ourselves torn between two paths: one leading to passivity and timidity, born out of fear of persecution, and the other steering toward hyper-masculinity and aggression, fueled by an unconscious resentment towards the male counterpart. These divergent energies, stemming from fear and hatred, have confined and limited the feminine spirit. Sadly, we have unknowingly perpetuated this self-imprisonment, carrying the burdens of our ancestral lineage and the shackles of our past selves through our very own Witch’s Wound® Archetypes. But, dear goddess, the time has come to relinquish this heavy baggage and embrace the freedom we so rightly deserve.

Throughout history, patterns of oppression have severed our connection with the goddess within. We have lost touch with that primordial essence that possesses the innate ability to nurture, heal, and rise in the face of chaos. But now, in this sacred moment, the goddess reaches out to you. She tenderly beckons you to reclaim the divine power that resides within your very being. Feel her presence, divine one. Embrace her invitation with open arms. The goddess calls upon you to reestablish this connection, to bridge the gap between the divine and the human.

Within you lies the capacity to nurture and cultivate the seeds of potential, coaxing them to flourish into their fullest expression. You hold the power to heal the wounds inflicted upon the feminine spirit, to mend what has been pillaged and plundered throughout time. And when chaos threatens to overwhelm, you possess the strength to stand tall, unwavering in the face of adversity. All of this power lives within you right now as a beautiful dormant spark deep within. This spark only needs you to answer the call and accept the invitation to come forward.

It is time to shed the veils that shield our luminous essence, to let go of the remnants of our past and embrace the evolution of our divine selves. The goddess within yearns to be awakened, to be honored and revered once more. Embrace this calling, dear goddess, for it is through you that the collective feminine can reclaim its power and reshape the world around us. We need you.

Together we will manifest a world that seeks balance and harmony, where the masculine and feminine dance in perfect union,

Additional Included Resources:

  • Subliminal Sleep Recording

    Reprogram limited beliefs, help release self-sabotage, and remove subconscious blocks, all while you sleep, with the Witch’s Wound™️ subliminal sleep recording.

    (Valued at $148)

  • Crystal Guide

    A complete guide for Crystal Healing for the Witch's Wound which includes what crystals to use, why, and how to use them specifically for the Witch’s Wound™️ work.

    (Valued at $37)

  • Past Life Regression

    Members have access to the Witch’s Wound Past Life Regression recording to help aid in discovering the triggering event that created your Witch’s Wound™️.

    (Valued at $175)

  • Trauma Release

    Inside the workshop you will have access to instructional videos for how to move trapped energy in the body resulting from trauma, false beliefs, or other emotional pain.

    (Valued at $97)

  • Karmic Debt

    Tap into your Karmic Debt and Soul’s Purpose Numerology to learn about why your life has been filled with repeating patterns and how to break free and find your true path.

    (Valued at $37)

  • Natal Blueprint

    Learn how to identify the Witch’s Wound™️ markers in your Natal Chart that unlock the trauma that has been carried over from past lives and learn about your inner goddess.

    (Valued at $37)

  • Witchling Wound

    Help identify the Witch's Wound™ in your little one and utilize the tools to help them begin their healing journey early in life along with the help of Tyre and Andromeda.

    (Valued at $127)

  • Ohana Healing

    Connect with your ancestors to help heal ancestral trauma that has been inherited throughout your lineage, in this healing guided meditation.

    (Valued at $115)

  • Past Life Reiki

    In this guide you will learn all about how to perform Reiki on the past life version of yourself and the circumstance that caused your Witch’s Wound.

    (Valued at $99)


It’s time to stop holding back. It’s time to SHINE and become abundant, supported, and nourished.

Why Sacred Feminine

This program will help you:

  • Discover the Witch’s Wound behind your unconscious self-sabotage

  • Identify where your fear stems from so it can be cleared once and for all

  • Release yourself from the past and allow yourself permission to move forward

  • Develop self-love and compassion for your journey

  • Understand your self-sabotaging behaviors

  • Learn how to pivot your self-sabotage into deliberate creation

  • Create a new identity grounded in confidence, ability, and your sacred magic

  • Break free of limiting beliefs and behaviors that are no longer serving you

  • Feel understood and supported through your journey

  • Find freedom and acceptance of being yourself

  • Align with behaviors and techniques that will allow you to stand in your power

  • Begin to deliberately create your dream life and feel safe and supported doing it

This program also includes lifetime access to the Sacred Feminine VIP group, and access to coaching and support by Nancy inside the group and has been designed and created utilizing psychology, past life regression techniques, NLP, and Divine Guidance.

This is a self paced workshop and registration is rolling. Healing shouldn’t be rushed, and this program was designed for YOU to be utilized at your pace.


Understanding the "Witch's Wound": The Burden Women Carry

The term "Witch's Wound" serves as a poignant metaphor for the deep affliction women carry within themselves, stemming from their fear of persecution if they dare to be seen or heard. In ancient times, women were revered for their unique gifts and regarded as powerful goddesses in human form. Alas, with the rise of patriarchal energy, women were deemed dangerous and subjected to oppression.

As a result of this historical oppression, women began to internalize the belief that it was perilous to embrace their innate power, wisdom, and magic. The consequence was a pervasive unease, leading to various manifestations of the Witch's Wound® and it’s archetypal expressions that I channeled and developed. Surface-level symptoms include an aversion to being seen, a lack of self-trust, diminished confidence, low self-esteem, a dearth of motivation, the inability to release the past, a lack of trust, and a perpetual sense of insecurity. It can also express itself through the over masculinization of the feminine in the feeling that as women we must always be hypervigilant, defensive, and combative when it comes to the masculine, sometimes each other, and life in general.

While operating from this wounded space, women often embody the Shadow aspects of the Witch‘s Wound® referred to as the Archetypes. These behaviors hinder their progress, perpetuating destructive patterns that prevent them from realizing their dreams. It is a tragic reality to acknowledge that within a 300-year period, between three to five million women were ruthlessly tortured and/or killed simply for radiating too brightly. This historical injustice created a profound wound, one that has been passed down through generations and persists even in the cellular memories encoded within our DNA.

Regrettably, this Witch's Wound® has led many of us to carry on the mantle of oppression, further suppressing our own unique gifts. Our fear of the consequences of being seen has kept us hidden, perpetuating the cycle of self-denial. However, it is crucial to recognize that our true potential lies dormant within this very wound. By embarking on a journey of healing, we can access and tap into our innate gifts, feeling secure enough to share them with those who are called to receive them.

Never doubt yourself; your gifts were bestowed upon you for a purpose. The time has come to shed the shackles of self-doubt or combativeness and embrace your true calling as a Divine Feminine. Healing the Witch's Wound® is not only a personal odyssey, but a collective one, as we liberate ourselves and empower future generations of women to rise above the shadows of history. The courageous act of reclaiming our gifts and sharing them with the world is an affirmation of our sacred right to exist fully as the luminous beings we are.

What People Are Saying

  • This process has been so transformative and life changing! It helped so much to understand what this fear was that was holding me back. This empowered me to do the work needed to finally start stepping into my true self.

    • Katherine

  • I always knew there was something deeper going on with my insecurity, anxiety, and inability to be safe sharing my gifts. Now that I understand about my Witch's Wound I have been able to do the work to heal it and the changes in my life are astounding! Thank you Nancy!

    • Jill

  • Everything finally just clicked and all began to make sense. Why I kept sabotaging my relationships, attracting the same men just in different bodies, and why I always felt the need to people please. I am so grateful to now be free! Thank you!

    • June

  • Are you feeling a little lost, are you feeling like something is missing but you can not put your finger on what it is? Do you want to heal past wounds? If you answer is yes then you need this program!

    • Laura


My Own Witch’s Wound®

I personally have suffered under the weight of my own Witch's Wound, that has caused me to feel energetically imprisoned most of my life. It wasn't until bringing forth my Witch's Wound story that I was able to begin my own healing. All my life I have known that I have the gift of a message to share with the world, but I labored under the burden of fear due to my Witch's Wound. I would be paralyzed at the idea of being seen, because in my experiences, being seen only resulted in people wanting what I had and trying to take it from me. This was because I was operating from a wounded space and seeking the wrong outcome from sharing my gift. I wanted approval, acceptance, and recognition. Now, there is nothing wrong with wanting these things, but these were all things I wasn't giving myself, and no one can give us something that we can't give ourselves.

It wasn't until the pain of holding in the light became so unbearable that I finally dedicated myself to writing my first book, Witch's Wound, which was inspired by my very own wounding. Through the expression of the pain and by putting it down on paper, I was able to make sense of it as I had become the author of a new story. One that I could bring purpose from the pain and rewrite an ending that brings me closure.

This story needed to be told and by telling it, I not only facilitated my own healing, but yours as well. What a gift.

I once heard a story about a nurse asking a very old man on his deathbed what his greatest regret in life was, and he told her that he had always loved music and wanted to write songs, and now he was going to die with the music still inside. Here's the thing: we all came here with a "song" to sing and share with the world, and I know the pain of keeping the "music" inside when it was meant to be shared. It's your time to be heard now. Do not rob this world by dying with your music still inside.


"Our magic is hidden inside the wound."

- Nancy Cooper.

“We do the work, not only to heal ourselves, but to make space for others to heal as well. It is in this sacred space that we will create a new world where we can live together in peace and coexist with all living kind.”

- Nancy Cooper, Founder


This workshop was not created to diagnose, treat, or cure anything and does not replace the help of a medical professional and should not be used for/or instead of professional medical care.

The views and exercises in this workshop are purely for entertainment purposes.

Due to the digital nature of this workshop, the Witch’s Wound™ Workshop is non-refundable. Payment for the services and materials is earned in its entirety at the time of purchase and as such, no refunds are provided under any circumstances, regardless of whether or not all services have been rendered or the workshop has been completed. All content of this workshop is protected under Copyright law. Nancy Cooper reserves the right to revoke access to the Witch’s Wound Workshop at her discretion. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping this a sacred space.

Copyright Nancy Cooper 2021

Reproduction or distribution of the contents of this workshop, without written authorization from the author, is prohibited.